As you might imagine, getting a mechanical Rhino to behave the way you want is far from simple. Our first iteration established the very basics; teaching them to target players, entering a ‘chasing’ mode and eventually, performing their signature charging attack.
I remember the whole Level Design crew were hyped to finally show off our rhino creation to the rest of the Fall Guys team and eagerly set about our first playtest. However, when it came to it...oh dear, they were way too docile and easy to avoid.
We needed to get the difficulty feeling just right, so we began to adjust the AI behaviour across a set of three different Rhinos, ranging from “Easy” to “Medium” to “Hard” and playtesting them in succession. In the end, the sweet spot proved to be between “Medium” and “Hard”, with subsequent adjustments delivering what we hope to be an optimal Rhino-dodging experience!