Each cell-shaded Costume is a full turtle outfit with a shell. The Leo Costume has the trademark blue bandana and wraps, along with his sword and star, whereas the Mikey Costume has orange wraps. Raph’s Costume is red, with a bandana over his head and his sai tucked into his belt. Donnie’s Costume is purple and crammed with techy doodads.
Mutant menaces are also here for a pizza the action… The Bebop Wearable is a fancy swirl of purple hair, retro-future glasses, and a turtle shell shoulder pad. Eww. The Rocksteady Wearable had to be an Upper: it’s a rhino horn.
The Turtles love to party, and both the Going for a Spin Emote and the Ninja in Training Emote let you break-it-down. Winners get dinner with the elaborate and tasty Slice of the Action Celebration.
Go green machine, we’ll see you in the Blunderdome!